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Join us - Getting involved in the project

What's next - co-creation

Interested in our project and results? Let's make it happen together! Whether a teacher, a principal or an educator, follow us on social media to find out about upcoming workshops. Testing protocols and verifying their relevance with national educational programmes are of utmost importance for TheDexterLab team. Being in coherence with school curricula would give way to adopting TheDexterLab protocols in schools official learning practice.

Should you wish to try the experiments developed under TheDexerLab project, expect and sign up for the project webinars, online competition, online training and virtual helpdesk.


At the beginning of the project, informal workshops with teachers and researchers were organized by project partners to share thoughts and ideas about possible DIY experiments and about simple or more complex educational projects that could be based on the approach of TheDexterLab. Some of the ideas and concepts discussed in those early workshops were elaborated and consolidated further and included in the list of proposed protocols to be offered by the project.

Similar ad hoc workshops will be planned within the project. Their informal character gives great flexibility and is an opportunity for teachers, educators and researchers to meet, mix and brainstorm and finally to fruitfully exchange experience on various topics. Stay tuned to subscribe in a virtual workshop for partners' experts, teachers and educators from different countries!

Online Helpdesk

A specific online helpdesk for the project duration and beyond will be created to support the implementation of the educational activities: technically (maker profiles) or scientifically (university and research profiles). Tackling digitally based resources such as simulators and using programming platforms towards maintaining scientific experiments can be challenging as it requires digital skills. If these will be provided through training content, the helpdesk will enable tackling individual questions and faster the implementation of the project resources.


Webinars will be organized in each country twice during the demonstration activities. All participants, from formal and informal learning ecosystems to policymakers will be invited to get to know the project activities and provide some insights on policy advocacy for longer-term integration of TheDexterLab's results in the pedagogical activities, independently from the COVID-19 crisis. The webinars will particularly present and validate the digitally based resources, such as DIY devices and simulators, to support their implementation especially in the extraordinary context of hybrid education.

Ultra-Lab is the project partner that will host interactive webinars with teachers to test and co-create the pre-developed TheDexterLab protocols.

Virtual competition

A fully virtual competition will be coordinated by Scientothèque and disseminated through social networks and virtual webinars, to value innovation, citizen science, and creativity in implementing TheDexterLab's protocols. The judges will be selected among parents, teachers and supporting organizations, extracurricular organizations and will value several topics: creativity, innovation, critical thinking, engagement in the citizen science challenges, art-based challenges… Rewards will be given in the form of DIY electronic and STEAM-based toolkits.


TheDexterLab project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus + programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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